Page 13 - 引導人訓練會(扶輪領導學院RLI)手冊
P. 13

                   Rotary Leadership Institute Taiwan Division


            THE CLUB

            扶輪社是扶輪基本及最重要的單位。透過扶輪社提供服務                            The club is the basic and most important unit of Rotary. It is
                                                                 through the clubs that service projects are performed and the
                                                                 Object  of    Rotary  is  furthered.  Although    essentially
            的,但每一扶輪社是要在國際扶輪公佈的模範扶輪社章程                            autonomous  in  its  activities,  each  club  is  governed  by  the
                                                                 Standard  Rotary  Club  Constitution  (SRC)  promulgated  by
            (SRC)之下來運作,而在 1922 年 6 月 6 日之前所成立的扶
                                                                 Rotary  International,  except  those  clubs  admitted  prior  to
            輪社除外。在此實例之後,扶輪社必需採用模範扶輪社章                            June 6, 1922. In the latter case, the club must use the SRC,
                                                                 but may have presented variations to the R.I. Board prior to
            程,但也可以曾在 1989 年 12 月 31 日前向國際扶輪理事
                                                                 December 31, 1989. The SRC can be amended only by the
            會提出變更者。模範扶輪章程只能在立法會議上作修正。                            Council on Legislation. Each club may adopt its own bylaws,
                                                                 which  must  be  consistent  with  the  SRC  and  the  Rotary
                                                                 International’s  Constitution  and  Bylaws.  Rotary  International
            扶輪社章程及國際扶輪章程及細則一致。國際扶輪建議的                            does recommend a form of club bylaws as found on the R.I.
                                                                 website  that  is  consistent  with  the  Club  Leadership  Plan.
                                                                 Modifications  by  the  Council  on  Legislation  to  the
            輪社領導計劃一致。有關立法會議修正版所建議之扶輪細                            recommended bylaws will appear in the latest version of the
                                                                 Manual of Procedure. Clubs may also choose to remain with
                                                                 an alternate form of club bylaws based on the “Four Avenues
            扶輪社細則中四大服務途徑或也可修改細則來適合其扶輪                            of Service”, or may modify the bylaws to suit club practice and
                                                                 traditions. Copies of the above documents may be obtained
                                                                 from the Secretariat in Evanston, Illinois or from the web at
            秘書處獲得或上網至 下載。               

            模範扶輪社章程 SRC 給予扶輪社理事會職權以便行使管理                         The SRC gives to the club board of directors the authority to
                                                                 manage  the  affairs  of  the  club.  It  is  the  board  and  not  the
                                                                 general  membership,  which  determines  the  activities  of  the
            動與管理其財務事務。理事會之決議是最後之決定,除非                            club and manages its financial affairs. A decision of the board
                                                                 is final except that it may be appealed to the membership who
                                                                 may overrule the board by a two-thirds vote.

            模範扶輪社章程 SRC 提供社長、社長當選人、一位或多位                         The  SRC  provides  for  the  election  of  a  president,
                                                                 president-elect,  one  or  more  vice-presidents,  a  secretary,
                                                                 treasurer and sgt.-at-arms. The latter three may or may not
            後者三位可以是,也可以不是理事。有些扶輪社並沒有社                            be members of the board, as the club bylaws may provide.
                                                                 Some clubs do not have presidents- elect, but should have,
                                                                 not  only  to  comply  with  the  SRC,  but  to  give  an  incoming
            程同時要給即將接任的社長至少有 18 個月的時間去準備其                         president  at  least  18  months  to  prepare  for  that  important
                                                                 position.  As  Rotary  increasingly  upgrades  educational
                                                                 programs  for  presidents-elect,  waiting  until  the  December
            時,如果等到 12 月在下任社長接任時才來選出一位社長當                         before  the  next  president  takes  office  to  elect  a
                                                                 president-elect may prevent a future president from taking full
                                                                 advantage of such programs.

            理事會,除了社長、社長當選人及副社長外,包括了依照                            The  board  of  directors,  in  addition  to  the  president,
                                                                 president-elect and vice-president(s), consists of the number
                                                                 of  directors  as  the  bylaws  may  specify.  Many  clubs  have
            員、剛卸任社長以及 4-6 位理事共有 10-12 位成員所組成                     boards of 10- 12 members  with five officers, the immediate
                                                                 past  president  and  4-6  directors.  The  Rotarian  elected  as
            的。當選為社長當選人的扶輪社員於 12 月自動成為理事會                         president-elect  in  December  automatically  becomes  a
            的一員,但不得稱為社長當選人要直至他或她擔任社長前                            member of the board, but is not called the president-elect until
                                                                 one year before he/she is to take office as president.

              扶輪領導學院手冊                                      5
             RLI MANUAL
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