Page 14 - 引導人訓練會(扶輪領導學院RLI)手冊
P. 14

                   Rotary Leadership Institute Taiwan Division

            扶輪社的選舉必需在每年 12 月 31 日前完成,以便扶輪年                       Club elections must be completed by December 31 of each
                                                                 year for the club year beginning the following July 1. The club
                                                                 secretary is required to forward the names and addresses of
            姓名及地址寄給國際扶輪秘書處,副本給現任及下屆地區                            the president and secretary for the following year beginning
                                                                 July to the Rotary International Secretariat with copies to the
                                                                 incumbent District Governor and incoming District Governor.
            社。這些表格必需在 12 月 31 日前寄到伊文斯頓,以便國                       R.I. sends a form for this purpose to the club secretaries each
                                                                 Fall. The forms are due in Evanston by December 31 in order
                                                                 to enable R.I. to publish a complete International Directory.

            新社                                                   NEW CLUBS

            新的扶輪社是要經地區總監的建議而由國際扶輪理事會同                            New  clubs  are  admitted  into  Rotary  by  the  R.I.  Board  of
                                                                 Directors upon recommendation of a district governor. A new
                                                                 club must have at least 20 charter members (25 preferred),
            有 20 位創社社員(最好是 25 位),支付必要的創社費用並嚴                     pay  the  required  charter  fees,  and  comply  strictly  with  the
                                                                 classification requirements. New clubs are sponsored by one
                                                                 or  more  existing  clubs,  usually  in  the  same  geographical
            來輔導,通常由同一地理區域之扶輪社輔導。為了要成立                            area.  In  order  to  organize  a  new  club,  the  district  governor
                                                                 appoints  a  Special  Representative  and  designates  the
                                                                 sponsor club(s). Organizers of new clubs are assisted by the
            新社之籌組人員要由地區擴展委員會來加以協助的。                              District Extension Committee.

            每一個新社要賦予一個“所在地  Locality”。根據  2001 年立                Each  new  club  is  given  a  locality.  By  action  of  the  2001
                                                                 Council On Legislation, "territories" have been abolished and
            法會議的決議“區域  Territories”已經取消,因此新社成立
                                                                 a club may be formed in any locality without the consent of
            於任一“所在地  Locality”並不需取得其他當地扶輪社之同                     other local clubs.

            社員                                                   MEMBERSHIP

            扶輪社員之入社資格在國際扶輪章程及細則和模範扶輪社                            Requirements for membership in Rotary are set forth in the
                                                                 R.I.  Constitution  and  Bylaws  and  the  SRC.  There  are  two
                                                                 TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP: Active and Honorary.

            除名譽社員外,所有社員都是現職社員,他們大部份都持                            All members except Honorary Members are Active Members,
                                                                 most of whom hold a regular classification. There may be up
            有正常的職業分類。同一職業分類可以有  5 位社員,但如
                                                                 to five members in the same classification, but if a club has
            果一個扶輪社超過 50 位社員,那麼單一分類數目可以增加                         more  than  50  members,  there  may  be  up  to  10%  of  the
                                                                 members in a single classification. Active Members who are
            至社員的 10%。現職社員如果已完全退休則不予分類。
                                                                 fully retired are unclassified.

            一位現職社員他成為扶輪社員已有多年的社員年資,加上                            An Active Member who has been a Rotarian for such number
                                                                 of years that when combined with his age totals at least 85
            其年齡超過 85 時,如果該社員用書面向該理事會表達免出
                                                                 may  be  exempt  from  attendance  at  club  meetings  if  the
              扶輪領導學院手冊                                      6
             RLI MANUAL
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